Tonight I had a meeting with JKPseni and Academy
Fourth College but I didn't attend both meetings cos
I'm handling the PROSPEK ice-breaking. This
ice-breaking session should be held on next week
but my beloved roommate merangkap director of
prospek sangat la getik & garik and make it tonight.
The "go home" plan for this week was cancelled due
to this session sebab roommate aku tarik muka
bila aku kata nak balik kampung. choi sangat!!
The ice-breaking goes well, thanks to the prospek's
committees. And my so-called-beloved roommates
treat all of us with domino's pizzas. These are some
random pictures during the event;
(credit for abg syahril for the pictures)
Unit Tugas2 Khas aka Askar yang cedera
Unit MT aka Artis jemputan yang diwakili oleh Cik Nab yang hot itu. Hot ke?
Event & Protocol Unit aka Pregnant Women was leading with Raja Aswad
Publicity & Information Unit aka Ustaz
Public Relation Unit aka Prime Minister lead by my snobby kedekut roommate (he's in blue)
Logistic & Technical Unit aka Teacher
Sponsorship Unit aka Doctor aka Money Generator!
A lot of thanks for Kak jay cos helping me with the games and modules.
They played the videos of PROSPEK 08/09 and it fresh up some bittersweet memories of this project. I really missed all my friends back then and the journey we had. For PROSPEK 09/10, good luck guys. Hope the great legacy of PROSPEK 07/08 and 08/09 will be continue...
mint: I might be hot or something that night but I'm not a superstar. ewah!!!
the end of the editorial unit :(
~sob Sob sob~
It is not the end la acap.
Akmal has remove it from PROSPEK and make it as a sole unit by its own.
They called it BESTARI MU; handle all bout the book and the money.
so duit PROSPEK and buku tak campur.
oit! ingtkn i nk tag u 4 d award but abg shukor dh tag awak dulu!
so jgn lupe buat ye!^^
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