so before the not-so-compliment-letter from UM & my sponsor fly to my parent, perhaps an ASAP nice casual call could be nice.
mak : mcm mana paper tadi?
me : orang takleh wat la..
mak : kenapa lak??
me : physical & inorganic tu pening..pastu 2 jam dah la tak cukup.
mak : hurm...
me : huh, ambik exam kat DTC memang sejuk! dah la sweater orang dah takda. diulangi DAH TAKDA! (my mom put a chlorox when she washed my bodyglove sweater and what happen to it? nauzubillah!!)
mak : mak tau la. will send some cash next week ye..
me : ek? hari tu pun cakap nak bank in tapi takda pun.
mak : ye la, esok mak suruh abah bank-in.
me : a lot of green note will make me happy.
mak : jangan nak shopping je..spend duit tu elok2 skit.
me : baik bos! mak orang sok ada paper biology lagi!!
mak : boleh A tak?
me : macam senang je nak A mak oii... tengok la what will happen nanti.
mak : sok jawab tu leklok. baca soalan betul2 mesti boleh buat punya...
me : ok la. assalamualaikum.
mak : salam bye.
pergh..make that call really reduce some guilty in me. now come the most important part for us as biochemist, which is sleep!! ahaks.. i need a short quality nap right now. plus after taken a sinful-lunch could lead me to a lipidless sweetdream.
nite everyone :p
hari ni result basic chem kuar..
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